Wednesday, December 3, 2014

National Insecurity State (Jeremiah 1:4-10; 7:1-11; Reign of Christ; November 23, 2014)

National Insecurity State

Jeremiah 1:4-10; 7:1-11
Reign of Christ
November 23, 2014

Rev. John M. Caldwell, PhD
First United Methodist Church
Decorah, IA

Being a prophet is not an easy gig.  God never sends a prophet to tell people, “Hey, you’re doing fine!  Good work.  Just keep it up.  Keep on keeping on.”  No, when God sends a prophet it’s because the covenant is in trouble.  But, of course, when the covenant is in trouble, it’s because someone has figured out how to get ahead by cutting corners, ignoring commandments, and betraying the deep values of the covenant.  When someone’s wealth depends on ignoring the covenant, the last thing in the world they want is to be reminded.  And reminding people is a prophet’s job.

So no wonder Jeremiah wasn’t terribly enthusiastic about God’s call!  “I’m only a kid.  I don’t know how to do this.  I’m no good at public speaking.”  

God didn’t buy it.  In the first place, Jeremiah was probably not all that young.  He was just inexperienced.  But every experienced prophet started out with no experience.  So that just didn’t fly.  Jeremiah will go where God sends him and say what God tells him to say.  And here are those words again: “Be unafraid.  Be very unafraid.”

Jeremiah’s mission is speak to nations and empires.  His mission will not just be political, but geo-political.  He is appointed “dig up and pull down, to destroy and demolish, to build and plant.”  There are four kinds of ruin before there will be building and planting.  God knows what anyone who has remodeled a kitchen knows: before there are the new appliances, cupboards, countertops and floors, there will be demolition, rubble and dust, dust, dust.  Jeremiah will be God’s way of setting things right, but not until a lot of bad things have happened.

He has his work cut out for him, because Jerusalem is a mess.  Jerusalem doesn’t think so.  Jerusalem, or at least its upper crust, thinks things are just fine.  Well, maybe not fine.  After all, they are a little country caught between two superpowers. 

But with help from the diplomatic and military establishments, the king has it pretty well figured out.  When you are a small country with powerful enemies, it might help to have a powerful friend.  So, with Babylon rising in place of Assyria and threatening all the little kingdoms to its south and west, Judah sought aid from Egypt.  Can you believe it?  They looked to their former masters from when they were slaves for help against the new threat!  But that’s what you do in the real world: you hold your nose and do whatever it takes to survive.

Judah prepared its military, too.  It drafted its young men into arms.  It worked hard to get weapons.  It stockpiled food for sieges.  It made sure that there were sources of water inside its walled cities.  They wouldn’t have to hold out forever, of course, only until they could get word to Egypt and Egypt could send a relief army.  It would work.

Of course, paying for their defenses and for the tribute needed to keep Egypt on its side meant that there simply wasn’t any money to spare.  They couldn’t afford any social welfare programs.  It might be fine to provide for the poor in times of plenty, but these were no longer those times.  The widows, the orphans, and the guest workers would just have to look out for themselves.

But with this belt-tightening, the diplomacy, and the preparations for defense, Judah stood as good a chance as any of the little kingdoms.  Besides, Judah had something those others did not.  They had a special relationship with their God, Yahweh.  They were a special people, an exceptional people, a chosen people.  God had chosen them to be in covenant, a choice, they were told, that would last forever.  God would protect them. 

Remember that some seventy-years earlier when Hezekiah was king, in the prophet Isaiah’s time, the Assyrian army had surrounded Jerusalem and then, when everything seemed hopeless, their king Sennacherib heard a rumor of unrest at home in Nineveh and stole away in the night.  God rescued Jerusalem then.  God hadn’t changed.  God could be counted on.  Jerusalem was safe and would always be safe.

God had not just chosen Judah.  God had not only given Judah promises.  God had given them the Torah.  The Temple was in Jerusalem.  God’s name and glory lived there in the Temple in Jerusalem.  The people came to worship and they shouted, “This is the Temple of Yahweh!  The Temple of Yahweh!  The Temple of Yahweh!”  Who or what could possibly threaten the Temple or Jerusalem, the city of the Great King, or Judah God’s chosen people?  Judah had its protective alliances; it had its fighting forces and fortified places; and, above all, it had Yahweh as its covenant God.

Too, bad about the widows, the orphans, and the guest workers, though.

And that, you see, was the flaw in Judah’s plan.  They thought that their security was to be found in armies, alliances and architecture. 

The prophets, however, never saw the problem of Judah’s security in the way Judah’s kings did.  Kings, then as now, saw their job as securing and if possible growing their place among the nations.  They saw their job as increasing their own power—political, economic, and military—to protect the nation.  When they had to choose between justice and power, they chose power.  Protecting the poor was a value that fell far down on their list of priorities.

Unfortunately for Judah’s kings and for Judah itself, in God’s mind Judah’s security was based on two things and only on two things:  Did they put their full trust in God rather than hedging their bets by calling on other gods?  That was the first thing.  The second was this: Did they protect widows, the orphans, and guest workers from the rich and powerful?

A long, long time ago, when I was a seminary student I learned some Hebrew, the language of the Old Testament.  In the advanced class we were each to write a report on a single Hebrew root and the words that are derived from it.  I was assigned the word גָאָל—that’s the verb form—and the related noun, גֹאֵל.  The word is translated in two quite different ways in our English versions.  It is either “avenger” or “redeemer.”  This was a puzzle to me.  How could two ideas as far apart as redemption and vengeance come from the same root? 

I looked at how it was used through the Old Testament, trying to find an answer to the puzzle.  And here is what I found.  Behind the two ideas of “avenger” and “redeemer”, there was another idea, an older and deeper one.  In the absence of an effective criminal justice system, family members protected each other.  If someone was killed, it was the duty of the closest male relative to exact vengeance by killing the killer.  If someone had to sell their land, it was the duty of the closest male relative to buy it back, or redeem it, and restore it to its original owner.  If someone had to sell themselves into slavery, it was the duty of the closest male relative to buy them back, or redeem them, and restore their freedom.  The word that is translated either as avenger or redeemer in its root sense means “the one who acts as next of kin.”  To redeem a debt is to act as next of kin.  To obtain justice is to act as next of kin.

But what of those who have no next of kin obligated to protect them?  What of the widow who has no husband?  What of the orphan who has no father?  What of the guest worker who has no kin at all?  Who protects them?  Who acts as their next of kin?  What I found was this: God acts as the next of kin for those who have no kin.  God appoints God’s self to be the next of kin for the widow, the orphan, and the guest worker.  That is what it means for God to be a redeemer.

The other thing that I found is that God expects that the kings of Israel and Judah will take on this task.  It is the main reason why they are king.  Not to amass armies to conquer their neighbors.  Not to play at the game of geo-politics.  Kings are kings so that they may act as God’s agents to defend the defenseless, to speak for the voiceless.  Widows, orphans, and guest workers are not distractions from a king’s duty.  They are a king’s duty.  The security of Judah depends upon it.  When kings see to the welfare of the poor, things go well for Judah.  When they do not, when they act like the kings around them, Judah is at risk.  In that case, diplomacy will not help.  Armies will not help.  The Temple will not help.

This, of course, is if you believe Jeremiah and the other prophets.  He tells us what he believes God is like and is about in their world.  He tells us God’s point of view.  Maybe he is right.  Maybe he is wrong.  There were prophets other than Jeremiah who believed that that Jeremiah was wrong, that God would bless the king’s diplomatic efforts, that God would bless the king’s armies with success, and above all, that the mere presence of God’s Temple guaranteed Judah’s safety.

As it turned out, of course, history proved Jeremiah right.  Our tradition judges Jeremiah to have been a faithful and true prophet.  The only reason we even know the names of Jeremiah’s opponents is that they are in Jeremiah’s book.  Otherwise, these prophets of realpolitik would have been altogether lost to history.

It is easy to look back and see that Jeremiah was right.  The real trick is do today what he did then.  When I say, for example, that the nation that spends three-quarters of a trillion dollars a year on its armies and then claims that it cannot afford to properly house its two and a half million homeless children[1]—that’s one child in every thirty—has built its security on sand and cannot claim the blessing of Jeremiah’s God, am I right or wrong?  History will eventually provide the proof one way or another, but we haven’t the luxury of waiting for history.  We have to decide now.

That is the challenge posed to us.  This text, like all Biblical texts, invites us into a world in which God is the central actor, but to enter that world we will have to accept the laws of that world.  If we decline the invitation, then we have our world and the way it works and in that world homeless children will have to wait until our enemies are defeated.  But if we accept the invitation, then homeless children come first. 

To be the messenger of stark choices like this one is what it means to be a prophet.  It’s why Jeremiah didn’t want the job.  It’s why I don’t want the job. But sometimes the job chooses the person and not the other way around.

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